Sunday, February 6, 2011


Got a really timely and good word today from a prophetic individul at church. To sum up, this person heard about things I have been praying for like favor and finances and protection.

Watched the Super Bowl tonight. Didn't really care who won. Neither if them were my team I am glad The Pack however. The first person they interviewed on TV gave the glory to God. There you go.

I have been praying for my mind to not be so distracted and scrambly at work and that I would be able to stay calm and not get overwhelmed when I get really backed up. Something happened like a week or two ago. Something changed. I was just able to remain calm and work and think properly and appply my experience to the situation. For me that has been a problem. Lots of experience but some sort of a blockage was there that was not allowing me to access it. Weirdy!
Oh, I have also bee praying for wisdom. I figured the best place to read about wisdom is Proverbs, so I started reading Proverbs in the mornign before anything. Even before coffee!!!! I KNOW!!
That probably has something to do with it also.

I signed up for guitar lessons. 2 times a month. Hopefully it will work. I need to become a better player. I think I realized I don't understand the guitar. Like, I get it. I can play. But I am not a player. See, I understand the drums. I have a deeper understanding about why they are there and what they bring to the table. How they can effect the song etc. I don't understand all that with the guitar. It is more work for me to figure that out also. I am only realizing this recently. Prior to now I never thought about it. But now that I am it stinks. Casue now I have to make a decision. Improve (work) or stay where I'm at...Unfortunately, I was raised with a good work ethic...

Oh yeah, and I want to start working out...For the past 5 years...

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