Saturday, January 8, 2011

First Jam Session

This afternoon I attended a jam session with a guitar player friend of mine . The cast was mostly older gentleman Well, older tham me anyway. Most of the time I sat aroung texting and listening tothe different players and trying to get a feel for the room and how they play etc. There were apparently more drummers than usual but I was second in line. If it were basketball back in the day I would have walked into the warehouse and shouted, "I got downs!" No need. I was listening to the drummer playing and thought he was good. What I did realize when he was playing is that my style is very ridgid and direct. I don't consider that a bad thing necessarily just pointing it out. I played probably 3 or 4 songs. They were fine. Nothing big. I was a little timid as it was my first time playing with them. I pretty much just tried to stick to the original songs as best I could. I think that is what everybody expects.

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