Monday, February 21, 2011

Old School...Part 3

Oh, Hello! I didn't see you there. (Snooty laugh) ha...ha I asked the help to rummage through my trash for me and low and behold I found another paper with some old "poetry." This installment is brought to you by the SM-58. Rockin' hip-hop since Run DMC...walked. 8-)

This particular gem is written on the back of a "Daily Transfer and Lamination Sheet." Apparently it was in February because all the work on the front side is dated as such. But who needs the front side?!?!? We are concentrating on the back side baby!

Of course the paper is folded into quarters and of course there is a portion on the bottom ripped off, BUT this one is written in RED INK!!!!! I know! You are like, "Not uh??" And I'm all, "Uh huh!" I am showing signs of improvement because there are only 9 crossed out words and 2 drawings on the bottom this time.

It reads as follows:

Eyes of mischief need big cliffs
I guess to prove how much pain one to another can inflict
Much later than sooner for some cliffs turn to curbs and eventually seem dumb
How could I or tooth bite down and chew on that false truth like gum
never dissolving but expanding and retracting every so often and losing flavor quick
Funny that I picked this flavor
Cause now chillin' in the mad, Worlds are open to my eyes
To better but also to worse for time is on my side if used wisely I can affect global happenings
or selfishness can eat a hole in my soul
Choosing La Primera from here to eternity's crow

Thanks for reading. This has been a "Thank God we don't stay 16 forever" old school joint.
Till next time...

Old School...Part 2

Hello again!
Welcome to installment 2 of my old school findings. This is what happens when your parents tell you that you can do whatever you want and that you are talented. 8-) Regardless of it's truth you WILL leave these in your wake.

Today's "poetry" is brought to you on a "AD Graphics Inc." letter head and folded into quarters for convenient storage in your pocket for the traveling man. That's right I said LETTERHEAD. While I was getting paid to work I was writing rhymes. But don't worry, It's OK. You see, when I am famous I will give Ad Graphics a shout out. See I remember the little guys.
This beauty is also equipped with one third of the page missing. Clearly that blank space was simply wasteful and needed to be removed immediately.
There are also 5 or 6 different "Tags" on the bottom because ones folded poetry can never have too much tagging.
It reads:

All about change time to rearrange
My form of thinking and also my priorities, kill seniorities
The whole world flew by while I sat back collecting fat and not excercising so got cut by punks incisors
Chewed the fat with molars the size of boulders so sliding down rainbow colored walls of digestive track
Kicks beats you can't even hear let alone attack
Cause coming from the inner we strip you toothless so no one can byte
Leading you down a road of True The New Deal have not been down since BP gear
Don't remember the rhymes you hear but I got a certain appeal
You must admit, but always keep track of the mitts you ad
Be careful cause the rhymes you catch might be bad

Ahhh. It's like sun shining on your face but in the form of words...Need I say more???...
This has been another installment of, "He MIGHT be getting better."

Old School...Part 1

I found some OLD "poetry" from my formative years pre-everything! Thought I would share some to those who might find it interesting.

This one comes to you written on a piece of "Friendly tire Co." tablet paper all the way in Margate,FL. It has been folded in half (but not evenly) and appears to have been handled by an illiterate as there are 30+ cross offs ranging from front to back.
Let's see if we can make sense of it. It reads:

I don't have to verbally rhyme to compare
Don't try to make sense I got your protien strands on end
Don't try to flo like I cause you can't control the wind
My mic makes a whistle sound when my breathe goes throught the handle
Oh look, I found
Yet another word to join together in conjuction with the phrases and the clauses but in school I almost failed English My Brother!
I kept runnin' on sentences with words that don't rhyme at the end of the line blind
Maybe yes maybe no
Description of the optical. prescription lenses bro
Fences I climb then fences I erect 'em
Bust a seam on my jeans cause my lyrics are so fat your rectum better respect 'em, check 'em!

There is no written date but I will date this circa 1993.
I hope you enjoyed installment 1 of "I swear this made sense at one time!!"

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Got a really timely and good word today from a prophetic individul at church. To sum up, this person heard about things I have been praying for like favor and finances and protection.

Watched the Super Bowl tonight. Didn't really care who won. Neither if them were my team I am glad The Pack however. The first person they interviewed on TV gave the glory to God. There you go.

I have been praying for my mind to not be so distracted and scrambly at work and that I would be able to stay calm and not get overwhelmed when I get really backed up. Something happened like a week or two ago. Something changed. I was just able to remain calm and work and think properly and appply my experience to the situation. For me that has been a problem. Lots of experience but some sort of a blockage was there that was not allowing me to access it. Weirdy!
Oh, I have also bee praying for wisdom. I figured the best place to read about wisdom is Proverbs, so I started reading Proverbs in the mornign before anything. Even before coffee!!!! I KNOW!!
That probably has something to do with it also.

I signed up for guitar lessons. 2 times a month. Hopefully it will work. I need to become a better player. I think I realized I don't understand the guitar. Like, I get it. I can play. But I am not a player. See, I understand the drums. I have a deeper understanding about why they are there and what they bring to the table. How they can effect the song etc. I don't understand all that with the guitar. It is more work for me to figure that out also. I am only realizing this recently. Prior to now I never thought about it. But now that I am it stinks. Casue now I have to make a decision. Improve (work) or stay where I'm at...Unfortunately, I was raised with a good work ethic...

Oh yeah, and I want to start working out...For the past 5 years...